Wheelchair on pink background
Long Term Disability | LTD

Long Term Disability | LTD

  • What is it? Long-Term Disability (LTD) is insurance that protects employees from loss of income if they cannot work due to illness, injury, or accident for a long time.
  • Do I have it? Benefit-eligible employees are automatically enrolled in one of the State's two LTD programs, and employee participation is mandatory. 
    • Arizona State Retirement System members contribute 15% each pay period.
    • Non-ASRS retirement system members have coverage paid by their employer.
  • Where am I enrolled? The employee's retirement system determines the LTD plan enrollment. Please see your retirement plan below to learn more.
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    • The LTD provider is Broadspire Services, Inc. and is administered through ASRS.
    • Your LTD benefit will pay up to 66-2/3% of your income earnings during your disability as determined by Broadspire Services, Inc. and based on supporting medical documentation.
    • Your benefits may be subject to an offset based on Social Security payments, retirement benefits, and other disability benefits.
    • LTD benefits can be paid until age 65 or until you are able to return to work after your disability, as determined by Broadspire Services, Inc.  
    • Medical documentation of your disability is required to continue your payment of benefits.
    • Broadspire Guide
    • Claims: Contact [email protected] to request a claims packet
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    • MetLife is the vendor for Long-term Disability administered through Benefit Options to non-ASRS participants. The following entities are covered:
      • Corrections Officer Retirement Plan (CORP)
      • Elected Officials Retirement Plan (EORP)
      • Options Retirement Plan of The Universities (TIAA-CREF and Fidelity Investments)
      • Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (PSPRS)
      • Non-Arizona State Retirement System Participants
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