medical stethoscope on blue background
Medical Insurance


The State offers two medical plans -- the Triple Choice Plan and the High Deductible Health Plan with a Health Savings Account. Both plans are available from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona and UnitedHealthcare. Each carrier offers its own broad nationwide provider networks.
BlueCross BlueShield and UHC medical plan logos


Triple Choice Plan

  • General Plan Overview - See p. 6 of the Enrollment Guide. This includes premiums, copays, and deductibles.
    • See below for the Summary of Benefits and Coverage and Summary Plan Description (SPD).

High Deductible Health Plan with Health Savings Account (HDHP w/HSA)

  • General Plan Overview - See p. 8 of the Enrollment Guide. This includes premiums, copays, and deductibles.
    • See below for the Summary of Benefits and Coverage and Summary Plan Description (SPD).
  • HSA Account Information - for use with the HDHP plan only

The State of Arizona offers medical coverage through two carriers. The plan is identical with each carrier, the difference being the provider networks. Both carriers provide coverage nationwide. When choosing a plan, check with your medical providers (doctors, therapists, etc.) to confirm that they accept it. Use the links provided here. Do not use the main carrier websites. 

Blue Cross Blue Shield of AZ866-287-1980

United Healthcare 800-896-1067 

Medical ID Cards

  • When you enroll in medical benefits, you will receive a medical ID card within a few weeks.
  • You can also access your ID card via the insurance company’s website or app. 
  • Contact your carrier if you need assistance before retrieving your card information.

Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)

These documents are easy-to-understand overviews of a health plan's benefits and coverage. They apply to both medical plans, regardless of the provider network (carriers).

Summary Plan Description (SPD) 

These documents provide an in-depth description of what the plan provides and how it operates. The documents listed here apply to both medical plans, regardless of the provider network (carriers).

  • Triple Choice Plan | SPD
  • High Deductible Health Plan | SPD

To learn more about the pricing for coverage, see the following information:

  • BlueCross BlueShield - Visit > In the search bar at the top of the page, select "Find a doctor, facility, or estimate costs," then enter the procedure name.
  • UnitedHealthcare - Visit> Select the "Find Costs & Care" tab and search by category, provider, or service to view a cost estimate.
  • Database files - These machine-readable files are made available to fulfill federal requirements. For best results, use the tools listed above. | BCBS | UHC