Arm in cast
Short-Term Disability | STD

Short-Term Disability Insurance | STD

  • What is it? Short-Term Disability (STD) is insurance that pays you a portion of your earnings if you are sick or hurt and cannot work. STD will help to make up for lost income. 
  • Do I have it? It is a voluntary benefit - you must select it at the time of your New Hire enrollment or during Open Enrollment. 
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Why do I need it? When determining if you need Short Term Disability, consider your leave balances. 

  • If you do not elect STD as a new hire and later decide you may need it, there will be a longer waiting period for an illness or pregnancy before benefits are payable during your first year of coverage.
  • If you are a New Hire or have low leave balances, STD may help protect your income if you are unable to work.  
  • If you have any saved leave time, you may be required to use your leave and only receive a minimum payment while you are out on leave.
  • STD is offset (reduced) by any regular pay, annual leave, or sick leave you receive while on STD. Note: donated leave does not reduce your STD benefit payment.

Disability Education Videos



  • Learn the details of your coverage with the policy.


  • Short-term disability can be used for your pregnancy.
  • See the FAQ document for more information.