hand holding light bulb with graduation cap
Higher Education Discounts

Higher Education Discounts

ADOA has partnered with multiple local and national higher education institutions to bring you an exciting benefit and advance your education. This benefit provides several accessible, attainable, and affordable degree programs with tuition discounts. Start your journey today and learn more about the educational discounts we offer. Find the best program that suits your needs and life.

Higher Education Discount Tuition Partners 

  • Education Discount Tuition Partner Chart
  • Available to active employees, their spouses, and dependents only.
    • Our negotiated discounts range from 15% to 40%.
    • In some instances, your spouse and dependents may also be eligible.
    • Please check the chart for eligibility. 

Tuition Reimbursement

  • Policies are set by the agency where you work. Please contact your supervisor for details.

Federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)